Quick setup

Updated on July 27, 2022

Placing a grid

Navigate to /Prefabs/WholeGrids, drag in one of the premade grids and adjust the General settings such as height, width and cellSize.

Best to keep the cellSize at 1 = 1 metre. However, everything will adjust if you decide to change it.

If you want the grid to be above some existing terrain, move the grid on the Y-axis slightly above. A value of 0.015 works well.

You can use as many grids as you want, 1, 10 or 50, it’s up to you.

There is no ‘Hard’ limit on width or height, I have tested up to 90,000 cells with 300 height and 300 width which starts to slow down on my mid-range machine.

Caution to increasing grids and cells quantity will certainly affect performance after certain thresholds dependent on your hardware.

Adding prefab modules

Navigate to /Prefabs and drag in a GridSelector, ObjectPlacer, and ObjectRemover. You should only have one of each of these.

Assign the ObjectPlacer to the gridSelector slot.

Back in /Prefabs, drag in a SelectObjectBtn and RemoveModeBtn.

This will create a canvas so you can move the buttons somewhere convenient.

By default, the SelectObjectBtn has a demo prefab assigned but feel free to change it. Please note there is no scaling done to prefabs, so the models will have to match the grid size.


That’s it! Hit play and you should be able to move, click on an object and place it down on the grid.

You can also hit the removeMode button to highlight and delete objects.

Both placing and deleting objects is done with the left mouse button and cancelling either is done with either the right mouse button or escape.


After this, there is quite a bit to play around with, particularly the AutoCellBlock feature. Please read the documentation on how to set this up.

It’s super simple and quick to set up once you know how it works.

You can create all of these prefabs from scratch if you like, creating an empty game object and adding the relevant scripts to them as components. You will certainly need to assign materials, and certain prefabs to them if you want to do it this way. All the folders are clearly marked so you should not have any trouble finding them.

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