
Updated on March 17, 2022

public void ChangeObjMat(GameObject obj, Material newMat)

This will loop through all children of the obj including itself and through all assigned materials and assign the newMat to each of them.

//Changes the obj material to something else.
GridSelector gridSelector;

void Start() 
    gridSelector.ChangeObjMat(myObjectToChange, invalidMaterial);

public void DeselectPreview()

This function destroys the preview object from the hierarchy and sets the object to place as null.

//Remove the previewing of the object assigned when pressing escape.
GridSelector gridSelector;

void Update() 

public void SetGameObjectToPlace(GameObject obj)

This simply takes in the obj, and sets it for the Grid Selector to preview or place the object.

//Takes an object from a button to place on the grid selector.
GridSelector gridSelector;

//The prefab to send to the grid selector to place
public GameObject prefab;

void Awake() 
    btn = GetComponent<Button>();
void Start() 
    btn.onClick.AddListener(() => {

public Vector3 GetSelectorPosition()

This returns the current clamped position of the grid selector. This value can then be used to find out if the cell is free using gridSquare.CheckCellStatus(Vector3 cellPos).

//Debugs the current clamped grid selector position
GridSelector gridSelector;

void Update() 

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