
Updated on August 11, 2022

Why does my grid not display anything?

Grid builder requires a prefab to display as the grid cell if the mode is set to single cell or checkered. If in simple mode you will need to have a material on the grids mesh renderer.

If you are still not seeing anything cells, chances are you have autocellblock ticked, and the physics have not detected the ‘ground’. Please refer to this page on Setting up auto cell block.

You can also choose to not display anything if you wish, Grid Builder 2’s other components will still run without any visual grid.

Why doesn’t my preview object look right when using multicell placement?

If you are using Grid Builder 2 to its full potential using objects that take up more than one cell, you most certainly want them to look right.

I made a guide on how to do this here – Setting up the SelectObject button.

Like anything, to begin with it can be easy to misunderstand how it works. Follow the guide or read the next few steps.

  • Make sure your object is scaled to its correct size for the grid. Grid Builder 2 by default is set so Grid cells are 1 metre big.
  • Your objects pivot point will need to be where it is set on the SelectObject button. For example, if the yellow dot on the button (pivot) is in the middle of your ‘Enabled’ cells your actual objects pivot will need to be the same.
  • You should also have your pivot ‘floored’ so the object will be placed exactly where that pivot is on the Y axis.
  • You can set up pivots in a 3D software like Maya, or failing that, add the prefab object under a parent and move your child prefab to the correct place. This will be your new prefab.

Objects are not being placed?

The first step is to make sure everything is set up correctly. Please refer to this Quick setup guide on how to do so. This will ensure you have all the correct components to place objects such as the gridSquare, gridSelector and objectPlacer. If you are still not seeing objects placed, check out one of the demo scenes for scene setup.

Can I build on the grid and then build on top of those objects?

Theoretically yes, but this is not a tested or ‘built-in’ feature. By adding a single cell grid to an object’s prefab and moving it just above the object you should get the result you are looking for. So when you place the object prefab, you are placing down another grid as well.

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