Setting up

Updated on July 27, 2022

Getting started

Please note, make sure to be working within the canvas if you are displaying a visual timer. You could use the timer functions to work with whatever elements you want through scripting. See the scripting section for more information.

There are three main ways to apply the timer:
1. The first is to simply add the timer.cs script as a component on a text, textmeshpro, slider, or a radial image set to ‘Filled’.
2. The second is to have a main Timer control object with the Timers.cs script applied to that object. You can then open up display and then output type and select the desired output type which are the same options as above.
3. The third is simply using the prefabs in the prefabs folder which have been automatically set up to run on start with 2 seconds of time.

Setting the time

Simply set the desired time you want under Set time. This will calculate the total seconds for you. A maximum of 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds is available in the free version and a total of 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds is available in the paid version.


Check start at runtime under customise to begin the timer on play or if you want to set it to start at a custom time, simply call the ‘Timer’ class method StartTimer() whenever you need. This will use the time you have set in the inspector.

There are a few customisation options to choose from, so just feel free to have a play around with them, or continue reading the following documents to understand all the features.

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