
Updated on March 14, 2022

My timer doesn’t display

Make sure you have placed the timer under the canvas object and that the timer is linked to an output. Try and drag in a prefab under a canvas element if you still have trouble.

How can I start my timer at a certain time?

You can start your timer when you like by simply calling the method StartTimer() once you have a reference to that object. If for example, you wanted to start the timer when somebody clicks somewhere, get the timer reference in awake, and perhaps in the button event call StartTimer() and that will start the timer with the time set in the inspector.

I want a single timer to run throughout my game

If you want only one instance of the timer to run throughout, such as a timer for every level or a countdown into each level you will need to do a little coding. You can get a reference to the timer in awake, and you will need to call DontDestroyOnLoad(timer) somewhere in your game manager. This will cause the timer to persist between scenes. You will then need to call StopTimer() and StartTimer() at the beginning of each scene to reset it.

My timer looks blurry

Depending on the size of your timer screen wise it may show blurry. In the ‘Sprites’ folder, you can find high-resolution sprites of each of the dials. If your dial covers most of the screen, these are going to look best, otherwise, the defaults should work fine. For the sliders, as they use unity’s sliders they should scale accordingly.

Can I use different designs for the display?

Absolutely! The timer system is set up to use a range of outputs including text and textmeshpro, sliders and dials. You can design your slider and attach it to the timer under ‘output type’. Make sure it is the unity slider object. For your own dial design, place your own design in ‘source image’ and make sure the options are set to ‘filled’, ‘radial 360’ and ‘top’.

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