General settings

Updated on July 27, 2022

Here you can adjust your basic settings of the grid itself.

Grid width

How many grid cells wide should the grid be on the X axis. Please see Limitations for advice on maximum sizes.

Grid height

How many grid cells high should the grid be on the Z axis. Please see Limitations for advice on maximum sizes.

Cell size

The size of each individual cell in metres. Generally, a good idea to keep this to even whole numbers as this not only makes the calculations simpler but also provides a good size structure for the game.

Grid type

You have 3 options to choose from, Single cell, Checkered and Simple.

Single cell

Creates the grid out of the prefab assigned in the gridCell prefab slot. This mode supports Auto Cell Blocking and also the use of 2 blocking prefabs.


Creates a check pattern out of two assigned prefabs. It is identical to the Single Cell type except for the second prefab variation. This mode can allow for interesting patterns if using 3D objects as prefabs. This mode supports Auto Cell Blocking and also the use of 2 blocking prefabs.


Looks similar to chequered in the picture, with one major difference, the grid density. The grid is created at runtime to make up a single plane, attached to the meshfilter with a tiled material for the design.

This mode does not support Auto Cell Blocking so should be used on simple grids or grids that only require a flat 2d look with no cells that need to be removed.

If in Simple mode you will get an extra 2 options to adjust the material.

Check material at runtime

Will simply allow viewing the material as you edit Tile X and Tile Y variables during gameplay. This will then allow you to achieve some variation even with a simple material.

Tile X

Tiles the current material on the X-axis. A value of 1 would tile the current material once for each Grid Width value. If using a chequered material, as provided with the project, a value of 2 is used.

Tile Y

Tiles the current material on the Y-axis. A value of 1 would tile the current material once for each Grid Height value. If using a chequered material, as provided with the project, a value of 2 is used.

Draw simple

This will only draw the boundary lines for the grid instead of every row and column.

When working with extreme size grids this can be useful for keeping track of the object while still keeping a decent frame rate to work with.

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